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Kerf Cutter - Valve Box Repair tool Kit


  • $3,500.00

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Kerf Cutter makes repairing broken valve boxes quick, easy and long lasting. No pavement cutting or digging.

Kerf Cutter Valve Box Repair Kit

No longer is there a need to bring in costly and dangerous heavy equipment to cut asphalt, dig out the broken section of the road and patch the pavement only to see the road settle months later and having to fix it again next year.

Kerf Cutter Valve Box Repair Tool Kit       Kerf Cutter Valve Box Repair Tool makes a Clean and Quick Repair

Kerf Cutter is the latest innovation for municipal water and street departments to fix broken valve boxes.

Kerf Cutter is a handheld, electric tool with a circular blade on the end. It is inserted into the valve box and cuts off the top of the valve box. Once that is removed, a new top can be inserted and leveled with the pavement.

Repair a broken or protruding valve box in about 10 minutes.

Manufacturer Authorized Distributor for Ohio, Michigan, and West Virginia. Please call us for an on-site demonstration, quote, or to place an order within our territory.

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